13 Nisan 2011 Çarşamba


Genotyping reliability of non-invasive sources of DNA used for the research problem. We are the source of DNA for genotyping in order to increase reliability and efficiency of processing methods to emphasize the importance of DNA extraction. We quantitatively compare the reliability of different techniques DNA extraction and selection of materials for a simple method for genotyping and general are presented. For Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) fecal samples we have different fecal pellet materials, different amounts of material and fecal pellets of the four microsatellite loci and four samples heterozygous at each site for steps of DNA extraction to remove the results of the comparison both. We PCR success and peak height (signal strength) Analysis of indices of access sequencer Chromatograms developed and evaluated the results of PCR using 192 for all medical treatment. PCR outermost blob of material as a result of DNA almost identical to the production of blood drawn. Pellet was used to extract DNA when the internal material, PCR results were poor models and inconsistent. 60 mg 15 mg reduced the use of PCR success was not sensitive to the amount of pellet material. Our index only doubled PCR fecal samples of tissue or blood, and genotyping errors genotypes compared with the potential to provide information about many. Our PCR in DNA isolation extraction method probably produced the following patterns of deposition is bad fast dry pelleted is widely used in herbivores.

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